
“Our thanks for the thoughtfulness and kindness that are such a part of you!”
Muchas gracias,
Adriana Ramírez y Valeria

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Thanks so much!

“Abogado Vilar,
Recibí su carta de “Conclusion of case” y por mi parte no quiero “cerrar el caso” sin agradecerle por su excelente asesoría. No sólo a nivel profesional, es ud. un respetable abogado, sino como persona. Su interés en la mediación, comunicación y altos estándares éticos, lo hacen merecer el aprecio y respeto de sus clientes.
Con todo mi cariño y agradecimiento,”
Harcedo P.

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I wanted to thank you for all your help with my divorce. I was very pleased with my outcome.”
Helmut Gaensel Jr.

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Dear Patrick,
Thank you remaining calm, focused, and energized throughout my 12-hr battle from hell. You are an outstanding mediatior and I appreciate how hard you worked on behalf of both parties yesterday. May God bless you and reward you.
Juan C. Reyner

P.S. Tell your mom I loved her cookies

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“Dear Patrick,
I was not only lucky to find an excellent lawyer, but I think a friend. You are very understanding and easy to talk.”

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“Thank you so much for your time, for the consultation and for educated me on what the law says abut my rights. I was feeling embarrased to ask and you made me feel comfortable, thank you.”
Tel M. Vin.

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“Señor Patrick,
Muchas gracias por su ayuda con mi caso le agradesco mucho su ayuda. Espero que Dios me lo bendiga a usted y a toda su familia por ser tan bueno y tan atento nunca se me olvidara todo su esfuerzo en mi caso al recuperar a mi hijo de sus brazos. Le agradesco todo y una ves mas bendiciones.”
Yesenia Flores

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